PlayStation 2

Monday, December 21, 2009

PlayStation 2 Console - Black

PlayStation 2 Console - Black

By Slade's Downfall -  reviews

I bought one of the old PS2 systems when it came out and it worked very well. It was my DVD player as well as my video game console. When I went on vacation I accidentally left it on and it fried. After five good years of service, it finally died.

I had to buy a replacement and so I bought the slimmer version. It works just as well as the other one did and takes up a lot less space on my TV stand. It plays all my games and my DVDs, so I am very satisfied with this Sony product.

I refuse to buy a PlayStation 3 just because I refuse to spend a great wad of cash for a video game console. And with the new Black and White PS3 systems that are being released in November which do not feature PlayStation 2 compatibility, I don't see why I should buy a PS3 right now when it means I'd have to keep my PlayStation 2 just to play my PS2 games is pointless.

If you're looking for a good game system for a low price, buy the PlayStation 2, it's very good for games and DVDs, especially since WII doesn't play DVDs.


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