Star Wars Battlefront II

Monday, December 28, 2009

Star Wars Battlefront II

By mom to 3 boys (usa) -  reviews

This game is different, I bought battlefront II thinking "I master Battlefront I on hard level in one day, so I should be able to jump right into battlefront II and wipe everyone out" Not!! When I 1st got the game I went right to Galactic Conquest I click on the 1st selection and I was fighting in space and was very excited until I got kill 15 times!! (most I ever died in Battlefront I was 4 times) then to top it off I couldn't shot down any ships, I became very frustrated!!! Then I exited the space fighting and went to Genoese to do land battle (which I know I'm expert at) then I was being killed there every minute and I had hard time understand were my life meter was, how to reload ammo etc... I was ready to give up on the game and understood why some people said Battlefront II isn't as good as Battlefront I.

Then I decided to started the game from the beginning and went through "Training" which is Very easy but that is where I learn how I can change my trooper in the middle of the game (without having to kill myself, is a great new feature!!) and how to use a Jedi, after the training was done I went to "Over View of Space" where it tells you to do "Rise of the Empire" Your on land at 1st, which is easy to accomplish but you learn how to take down shields and find object to take back to base or to a ship. Then your in space where it teaches you how to fly, how to lock on the targets, and how to fly into enemies hangers and blow up their ships. After completing all the task in the training & Rise of the empire, then I jump into Galactic Conquest and I did so Much Better and I now LOVE Battlefront II.

It's so much more challenging Then BFI, you can't accomplish BFII in one day, which I like!! BFI my 4yr old can play it and get score as high as me, but BFII is to hard for him as it should be. There are more troops & vehicles to choose from. And I don't understand why other say the graphic are bad, maybe they have cheap TV's. But on my 32" flat screen TV the graphic are crystal clear for me, the planets have more detail and are almost real looking, the wookies look a lot better then they did in Battlefront I. There are so many more planets to choose from and fighting in space is a great feature when you get tired of doing land battles.

The best advice I can give: I don't care how good you are at Battlefront I, this is a Whole new game with different features so I suggest going through "Training" and "Rise of the Empire" before conquering the galaxy and you'll like the game much better I do. BFII IS SO MUCH BETTER THEN BFI!! can't wait for BFIII


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