Rock Band Drum Silencers

Monday, December 21, 2009

Rock Band Drum Silencers

Rock Band Drum Silencers

By David (California) -  reviews

At first I got the drum pad silencers and held them up to the rock band drum pads and thought "this isn't going to work." Check out your RB drums. You'll notice a thin plastic rim around each drum. Well I expected these drum pads to fit inside that ring. Nope, if you stuck them on, they would go over the ring and then sort of float on top of the actual drum pad and MAYBE make contact in the center, where the pressure transducer is that picks up your drum strikes.

So, to install these drum pads, you must TAKE OFF THE PLASTIC RIM around the drums. It takes a few minutes, but isn't hard. You have to pull the striking part of each drum off individually. It takes a lot of force, but be careful not to yank out the wire underneath. If you look at your RB drums from below, you'll notice 3 or 4 small rubber wedges sticking through the plastic base. These are what hold the drums into the frame. Once you've pulled off a drum pad, unscrew the plastic rim, take it off, and reassemble the drum (make sure all the rubber pieces are back in place, sometimes they stay attached to the drum surface half and need to be taken off and screwed back into the base. Push the drum pad back onto the base and make sure all 4 rubber feet click into place. THEN stick the drum silencer onto the drum pad.

After performing the installation as I mentioned above, these pads make the RB drums much much much quieter and WAY more pleasant to play, especially in groups or at night. There are no installation instructions included with this kit, but there should be.

 Another option is to trim the pads so they fit inside the plastic rim. I thought it would be easier and cleaner looking to remove the plastic rim instead.


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